Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My son's toothpaste hunting journey

Mother, father, brother, sister, how do you brush your teeth? Bow.
This post is going to be about my son's oral care.
I started brushing his teeth when he was 1 year old. I think by that time, he had 5 to 6 teeth.
I started cleaning his teeth with a baby silicone finger toothbrush. 

But when he's older and started to eat variety of foods and especially, SWEETS!! 

I knew I have to take extra care for his baby set of teeth.
I knew it will be hard to introduce him to toothpaste because of the cooling sensation it gives to our mouth.
And he is not used to that. I planned to buy a kiddie toothbrush and a child friendly toothpaste. 

Choosing a flavored toothpaste.

You have to consider what flavor of toothpaste does he like? What is his favorite fruit? 
Well for my son, its strawberry. He loves strawberry yogurt, strawberry filled crackers etc.
I bought a strawberry flavored toothpaste in brand A and at first he did not like it.
But it doesn't stop me from taking care of his teeth.
I introduced him to the product over and over again until he got used to the taste. 
From then, I thought that I am doing good on taking care of his teeth. 
I thought that I am giving him the best protection from cavities. 

But one day, something came up on my mind and I asked myself, is this the best quality that I can give him? 
I am referring to the brand. Because I only trust one brand for toothpaste. And that is Colgate.

Is it right to settle just for the flavor that your kids will love, sacrificing the protection to cavities that you can get from the best brand? Colgate has strawberry flavor too, but it was meant for girls because it has a barbie packaging. And I dont wanna give it to my son. So I talked to him that I'm switching his favorite strawberry toothpaste to a bubble fruit flavored one. And he was excited about it! Right after we got home, he got the toothpaste from our grocery bag and opened it, and he tasted it. He loves it! What a relief! He then showed it to his tita and when he came back to our room, I saw him licking the tube because he loves the flavor so much! And even asked me "Mommy, toothbrush na tayo." Haha! Right now, I am so relieved from worrying that my child doesn't get enough protection from cavities. I actually got a lot of compliments about my son's teeth. 

Here's a photo of him showing his healthy teeth :)

As early as possible, I wanna teach him the importance of having a good set of teeth. 
Not only the teeth but a healthy mouth. Because it is the mouth that you use to interact everyday. 
With a healthy mouth, you are confident to speak. With a good set of teeth, you are confident to show your smile to the world.

I just wanna share this photo:

Taken last October 2011. My son was 1 year 3 months old. 

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