Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Derma Products Haul (Sensitive skin Cleanser, UA whitening, Skin whitening soap and lotion)

Last week, I bought some skin care products that I've been eying for a long time.

And finally!! Here are my new babies!
I am not just a make up junkie, I am a skin care junkie too!
Anything about beauty, skin care, haircare.
I have this skin condition called skin asthma
and it made my skin very very dry and sensitive.
I easily get irritated by harsh soaps, humid weather (hot or cold),
dust, furry and feathered animals.
I have to be very very careful of what I am using on my body.

But like you, I want to whiten my skin and have that kutis artista.
I tried many products in the market but nothing supposed to work.
And when I saw House of Beauty Secrets on facebook.
 something inside me said "why don't give it a try?"

To give you an introduction, this products are Derma products 
which means these are the same with the products
 that Dermatologists sell in their clinic.
They have the same manufacturer.
In short, effective, safe, dermatologist recommended products at a lesser price.


 First,  gentle cleanser for sensitive skin
Jamie (the seller) told me that it's similar to Cetaphil.  It really caught me because me and my baby are using cetaphil.This is a generic kind of cleanser that claims to be as mild as branded ones but cheaper.

This is how the lid looks like which is kinda not nice. Because the product is a little runny. You can't control how many product will pour out.

Lets compare it with Cetaphil.
This is the generic brand on my finger. 
You can see that it has thin consistency. 

please excuse the dryness of my finger >,,<

This is Cetaphil on my finger.
You can see that Cetaphil has thicker consistency.

We have been using cetaphil for 5 months now. These are some of the proof hahaha!

The verdict:             Cetaphil               Generic

CONSISTENCY                            thick                                thin
CLEANSING POWER                 same                               same
MILDNESS                                  same                               same
QUANTITY                                 same 250ml                   same 250ml
PRICE                                    Php 298 to Php 300+             Php 200

Overall, I can say that I can replace Cetaphil to the generic one. Saving a hundred peso is a big thing!

2nd product, Underarm whitening products
Underarm soap 

Well, I hope that you are aware that there's a lot of UA whitening kit 
on facebook, multiply, sulit, and even in instagram too!
I always wanted to try it but the sellers are not allowing me because of my skin condition.
And then I saw this one. This soap can whiten underarms mildly.
 Its not as strong as what you get in buying kits. 
(maybe not as effective or not as fast as ua kit can whiten underarms)
I have to whiten my underarms without leaving the safe side. So I go for this.
Its almost one week and I never got irritated with this soap. I use it on my underarm, inner thigh, elbows and knees. 

Php 70.00

Next one is a whitening deodorant. It has aluminum chloride and melawhite. Whitens the underarms and leaves the area dry up to 24 hours.

Php 100

I always skip this one (unintentionally) because I am not used to wearing deodorants.
I only use deo when going out. Its like twice a month.
I can really live without it because I never really have that stinky or even sweaty underarms. 
But now, I have to use it everyday because it will help whiten my underarms.
Use it after washing the underarms with ua soap in the morning.

Next is UA whitening cream.
I got this one for free. Thanks sis jamie!!
I believe this one's responsible for smoother and less chicken skin.

I got it for free :))

A creamy formula that has a little powdery scent.
Use this after washing the underarms with ua soap before going to bed.

Last one is skin whitening soap and lotion
Kiwi soap with glutathione
A whitening soap specially formulated to whiten skin.
 It has special formula that will not irritate even those who have sensitive skin.
Im using this 2 times a day. It really smells like kiwi and it has rough texture 
that exfoliates dead skin cells. Im using this for 7 days already and  yesterday, my 6th day, 
after drying my skin, I saw my arms peeling. It is called micro peeling.
 And its a good thing because it indicates that the product is working for me. 

I tried some whitening soaps in the market and none of them worked for me.
I bet you once told yourself that all products in the market are not effective. They're all the same, promising you fairer skin in 1 week but after 2 months of using it, you still dont have the effect.
Jamie told me that all products in the market are guaranteed effective but, you have to use it for years.
Their formulas are mild to suit everyone's skin type. And the consequence, slower results.

I really really love this soap. And I can't wait to have fairer skin!
Php 80

After taking a bath with kiwi soap, I pat dry my skin and apply this Tomato lotion with spf 30.

- has tomato extracts that helps whiten the complexion, fights skin aging.
-goats milk that moisturizes, exfoliates and whitens skin
-vitamin E that helps fight skin aging

For me, it smells like the pink J&J baby lotion.
This has a very very thick formula and its kinda hard to absorb by the skin. 
After applying this on your body, it will foam a little but after a minute, it will fade
and will be completely absorb by your skin.
The moisturizing power is amazing! It really smoothes my dry and rough skin. 

Php 180 for 120 ml

Overall I spent Php630 which is very affordable for all the products that I got.
Affordable because if you buy this bunch from a derma clinic, it will cost you thousands!
Example the whitening deodorant that I got for 100, they sell it in clinic for 350pesos.

But still, it is best to consult your dermatologist because they know the best for your skin.
Purchasing in the internet is very risky thing, not only because there's a lot of scammers/ fraud online sellers but you are risking your skin to the products that you're not familiar with.
Please be reminded that I tested this personally and it doesnt mean that you'll have the same effect too.
 "What works on me might not work on you"

**This blog post  is made for review purposes only. All the opinions are true and not biased.

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